Welcome to our LIFEstory community, a place where women gather to share stories, choose hope, and seek truth together. Our days are filled with choices, voices, and distractions that threaten to take our eyes off the things that matter most. Here at LIFEstory we provide space for you to be encouraged and equipped to Live Intentionally and Focus Eternally as you face each day with HOPE!


By subscribing below, you’ll receive weekly stories and encouragement as you start your journey of intentional living. Living intentionally means being deliberate with our time, resources, and relationships, so we know it’s a big deal if you’ve chosen to spend your time with us.


Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. – Colossians 3:2

Are you longing to be more intentional with the hearts and people in your home? If so, our Fresh Focus Workbooks are for you!


Our digital, downloadable workbooks walk you through our signature process for a FRESH perspective. After framing the current state of your heart or relationships, you’ll look at areas of potential growth, seek God’s guidance, wrap your reality in His truth, and take steps into HOPE for the future.


We’ve created a step-by-step process that will show you how to Live Intentionally and Focus Eternally as you reflect on your heart and the family in your home.  In less than 15 minutes a day, you can wrap your home and heart in God’s truth and shift to a FRESH Focus of Hope!


Click Here to Purchase a Copy Today

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LIFEstory emails come on Mondays from [email protected] - add this address to your Contacts to ensure delivery straight to your Inbox.

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