How do you define the relationship?

“I don’t not like him,” my husband said. This double negative is my husband’s new favorite way to say that he's unsure whether he likes someone. According to my husband, this category is reserved for someone who he has no reason to dislike, but he's not willing to admit...

When you have a choice…

My eyelids, like a weighted blanket, press down across my eyes. It is 3 p.m., and every part of my body screams, “I need a nap!” Shuffling to the kitchen, I make a second cup of coffee. Surely, this convenient adenosine blocker will trick my...

What if you had it all along?

"Where could it be?" I said as I frantically searched through the house. We were running late, and I needed to find my phone before we could depart. "Mom, try using your 'find your phone' button on your watch," my son suggested, assuming I had forgotten...

Is the Year Slipping Away?

Before I knew it, I was on the ground. Tears instinctively flooded my eyes. My body ached from the sudden impact of the frozen ground beneath me. Unable to move, I called for help.  What started as a joy-filled walk on a sunny day ended with...