Dig Deeper Into Your Word of the Year
Freshly fallen snow covered the ground outside my window. God had provided a beautiful white canvas to start the day.
I had woken up early with an idea – had my imagination run wild, or had God given me the spark of something new? After grabbing a cup of coffee and settling in my grandmother’s rocking chair, I opened up my Bible, my journal, and began.
My word of the year is Create.
Maybe you’ve taken the Word of the Year quiz, and you have a word for 2025, too. But now what?
Having completed this practice for a few years, here are some tips for further exploration.
1. Grab a journal and write down the word.
2. Define it. Look it up in the dictionary and write down its meanings. Is there a close synonym? If so, look that up too.
3. To apply the word biblically, I use the concordance in the back of my Bible to find the word and where it appears in scripture. Then I look up the scriptures and write down ones that speak to me.
4. Spend some time in prayer and reflection on the word, the definition, and the scriptures.
5. Ask God to show you throughout the year how this word will both encourage AND challenge you. For we know and expect that things that are truly worthwhile require effort and hard work in order to experience growth.
May 2025 be filled with intention and purpose as you pursue the path God has set before you.
Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord and not for people.
Colossians 3:23 CSB
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