Embrace the Day With Hope
“Will you snuggle with me?” my eight-year-old said, as he descended the stairs.
Still enjoying my coffee and morning Bible study, I invited him to join me in my corner chair. I wrapped my arms around him and gently kissed his forehead. My baby was starting to look like a little man. With eyes closed, I held him until the rest of the house woke up and our daily tasks began.
I could have stayed in that chair all day.
Abide: to remain, dwell, continue, endure
John 15:5 NKJV“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.“
Abide is my word for the year. We often think of abiding as remaining or dwelling with God. Much like I wanted to hold my son all day, God longs to wrap us in His love and promises. While abiding starts with God’s warm embrace, scripture reminds us that abiding is not passive. As God’s children, we are encouraged to bear fruit. Fueled by the love of our Father, we are to walk humbly allowing God to use our lives to produce fruit for His kingdom.
How can you stay connected to God today?
I’ve created a simple tool that I use during my quiet time that helps me stay focused during my day – a L.I.F.E. list.
This list helps me Live Intentionally and Focus Eternally, letting go of what doesn’t matter and trusting God to guide my steps.
How to Use
1. Spend time in God’s Word.
2. Ask Him to show you 3-4 things He’d like you to focus on that day.
3. Write them down and take God with you into your day.
For a FREE pdf copy of the L.I.F.E. list, fill out the form below
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