Do You Feel Like You’re Drowning?
Startled, I woke from a nightmare. Sweat pouring off my skin, I take a deep breath. Instead of drowning, I am lying safe in bed.
Thankfully, I have never experienced the reality of that nightmare. However, I do know what it’s like to feel like I can’t breathe. To be so overwhelmed by the activities on my calendar that my energy is gone before the day begins. To be paralyzed by doubts and fears and not see a way forward. To allow life circumstances and challenges to cloud my vision and take my eyes off hope.
I know what it feels like to be drowning. Do you?
Today my son studied the Netherlands and the dikes that they built to keep water from encompassing all the land. Areas of land called polders that used to be underwater become livable land for farming and families after proper walls are built to hold back the water.
Can’t we do the same for our own lives?
If we’re willing to put intentional practices and boundaries in place, we can hold back the “water” and breathe again. Instead of being content with the feeling of treading water or even drowning underneath our to-dos and circumstances, we can make choices that leave room for connection with God and a pace that is peace-filled. Our lives will then be a fertile place for life, beauty, and hope to flourish.
What boundaries or practices do you need to put into place today?
Is there something you can delegate or say No to? Or something you can take off your schedule completely?
Do you need to add time in the Word or prayer into your daily schedule?
Psalm 69:1-2 CSB“Save me, God, for the water has risen to my neck. I have sunk in deep mud, and there is no footing; I have come into deep water, and a flood sweeps over me.”
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