What do you focus on?

Sitting atop the Ferris wheel, I glanced over at my ten-year-old son. After a full afternoon at the fair, we had saved the tallest ride for last. For the first time, his small frame sat high above the park. Terrified, yet determined.

As the wheel began moving its circular pattern, we excitedly talked about how far we could see and what the tops of treetops looked like. We blissfully waved to our family waiting on the ground below and relished the views and the setting sun.

Then he got quiet. 

I saw the fear creep into his eyes.

Stopped at the top awaiting other passengers to load, the metal car suddenly felt flimsy and claustrophobic. It surely couldn’t hold us much longer. He reached for the latch. Quickly, I grabbed his hand and held it, trying to keep him calm as we slowly made our descent. 

Just a few minutes before, he had been laughing and enjoying himself. 

But now he focused on fear. This shift took his heart and mind away from joy and traded it for worry.

Seeing this play out right in front of me has been a reminder that what we focus on matters.

During my day, do I focus on the sharp remark said to me, or do I offer grace to someone who had a stressful day?

Do I focus on what hasn’t been checked off my to-do list, or am I grateful for what has been accomplished?

Do I focus on the beauty around me, or do I give in to fear and what-ifs? 

I want to focus on the good things. The things that will last. The fruit of the spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  

We always have a choice.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippians 4:8 NIV

Cari Brown
[email protected]
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