How do you define the relationship?

“I don’t not like him,” my husband said.

This double negative is my husband’s new favorite way to say that he’s unsure whether he likes someone. According to my husband, this category is reserved for someone who he has no reason to dislike, but he’s not willing to admit he likes. In other words, my husband is still deciding how much to commit to the relationship. 

How many of us unintentionally use double negatives like this to define our relationship with God?

“I don’t not like God.”

I go to church and occasionally read my Bible, but I still like indulging in that unhealthy behavior and impure thought pattern. I don’t dislike God, but I’m not yet willing to give Him my life outside of Sundays. 

“I don’t not know God.”

I know God, know the stories, and even have a few favorite scriptures, but I don’t feel very close to God. I’m not even convinced He listens to or cares about me most of the time.

“I don’t not trust God.”

I pray and ask God to help me on occasion, but I’m a pretty capable person. Most of the time I’ve got things under control. For example, I trust God with my finances, but if things get tight again, I might have to cut back on my tithe or charity giving.

“I don’t not obey God.”

I’m a good person. I follow most of His guidelines for my life. I know I should probably be kind to that person at work. If God understood how rude she was and how everyone talks about her, He’d understand why I can’t be kind to her.

When double negatives define your relationship with God, you make compromises and justifications in order to keep God at arm’s length. You’ve started the relationship, but you’re hesitant to go all in or commit completely.  In other words, God doesn’t have your whole heart or life.

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t still have room for growth in their relationship with God. I know I do. I also know I’d rather be dealing with fewer double negatives, so that I can fully embrace the full life that God has for me when I’m all in!

I want to know Him, trust Him, obey Him, and love Him with my whole self.

What about you?

What double negatives are defining your relationship with God? 

What is keeping you from being “all in” with God today?

Jesus replied, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”

Matthew 22:37-38, NIV

Rosemary Jones
[email protected]
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