Is the Year Slipping Away?

Before I knew it, I was on the ground. Tears instinctively flooded my eyes. My body ached from the sudden impact of the frozen ground beneath me. Unable to move, I called for help. 

What started as a joy-filled walk on a sunny day ended with my feet slipping on a slab of ice slowly melting in our driveway.  My body bruised and my spirit broken, I limped back to the house to nurse my injury and recalibrate my day. 

Have you ever been going through your day, and suddenly lost your footing? Hit with an unexpected “icy” situation, you get knocked off your figurative feet.  Maybe it’s a phone call or conversation delivering fresh brokenness or unwanted news. Perhaps it’s a memory from the past or a lie that haunts you, reminding you of past scars and your human insufficiencies. Or maybe it’s the sum of all the small moments that leave you feeling tired, worn out, and wanting. 

Before you realize it, you can go from joy to just getting by. 

So how do you address the pain and recalibrate your day? 

When I get knocked off my feet (both figuratively and literally), the first thing I do is retreat to a place of rest. Returning to my corner chair, I rest my body and my mind in the presence of my Healer and Heavenly Father. Opening scripture or sitting in silence, I lay before Him my heartache, places in need of healing.

Occasionally, I try to skip this step, but when I do, I quickly realize that my strength is not enough in times of trial. So back to my corner chair with Jesus… 

Once I acknowledge my pain and rest in His promises, I ask Him what is next for my day. Sometimes more rest is needed, and I am forced to surrender all earthly definitions of productivity. Other times He reveals things that weren’t otherwise on my plan but fulfill His purpose for my day. On the day of my literal fall, this meant reading books to my boys instead of science lessons, extra time with their grandmother, and an opportunity for me to catch up with work on my laptop. Even with these positive changes, I had to continually remind myself that joy can be found even when my plans change. 

Joy and a firm footing are found in Jesus. 

What “icy” situations are you dealing with today?

What bruises or broken places do you need Jesus to tend to? 

Have you taken time to rest and recalibrate in His presence? 

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

Psalm 16:11 NIV

Rosemary Jones
[email protected]
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