What if you had it all along?

“Where could it be?” I said as I frantically searched through the house. We were running late, and I needed to find my phone before we could depart.

“Mom, try using your ‘find your phone’ button on your watch,” my son suggested, assuming I had forgotten the newest Garmin technology.

Sadly, he would be correct. It hadn’t even crossed my mind. Pushing the small button, I saw the notification reminding me that it had been too long since I had synced my phone. Even my smartwatch couldn’t help me this time.

Giving in to defeat, I fell back onto the sofa. Suddenly, I knew exactly where the phone was. The firm presence in my back pocket revealed the phone had been with me all along.

How often do we run frantically through life searching for the newest item, self-help solution, job, relationship, or adventure that will satisfy us?

What if like my phone, we already have what we’re looking for?

What if frequent connecting to the source could help us find what we were looking for faster?

Many of us spend our days searching for peace, contentment, love, acceptance, or _________(fill-in-the blank). We feel like if we only have this thing, life would be better.

Yet, we already have access to the One who can satisfy our every longing. He’s simply waiting for us to pause long enough to connect with Him.

What we are looking for can be found in Jesus. How we stay connected is through time in God’s Word and in prayer.

What did you put in the above blank?

Do you believe Jesus can satisfy that need? Why or why not?

LIFE Challenge: Spend time reading scriptures that speak to your specific need. You can use a concordance or www.biblegateway.com. If you’re still stuck, send us an email. We’d love to help.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

John 10:10 ESV

Rosemary Jones
[email protected]
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