What needs to be pruned?

Taking the dog for a walk is part of my daily routine. Along our familiar route, a densely wooded property has been cleared and a new home is under construction. Where tall trees used to stand, new growth of small plants, previously unseen, now flourish along the perimeter of the property.

Removing the large trees made it possible for the smaller plants to thrive. No longer being blocked from the sun, these plants received the light and space needed to spread out and breathe.  

Can’t that happen to us, too?

Sometimes deeply rooted beliefs or things from our past grow tall, block the light, and stunt our growth. Without the light, the floor of our hearts breed feelings like envy, resentment, pride or bitterness. If left unchecked, these unhealthy roots can overwhelm all the space in our heart. But when we take time to prune the unwanted growth, we make room for healthy fruits to flourish – things such as peace, contentment, gratefulness, and joy.

If your growth feels stunted, perhaps it’s time to ask the Gardener what needs to be pruned – or even cut out completely. God desires for us to thrive, so that our lives can produce good fruit.  

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. 

Romans 12:2 NLT

What is an entrenched feeling holding you back from experiencing fullness?

Ask God to guide you in replacing this stronghold with His truth. 

Cari Brown
[email protected]
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